The Problem of Sanctions Relief: Public Opinion on Achieving a US–China Trade Deal
Published in SMP 2017, Honorable Mention for the Best Paper, 2017
This paper analyzes public opinion toward 2016 US presidential election in Chinese social media.
Recommended citation: Yue, J., Li, Y., & Sundquist, J. (2017). The 2016 US Presidential Election and Its Chinese Audience. In Social Media Processing: 6th National Conference, SMP 2017 Proceedings (pp. 319-330).
Published in NecSys - 2018, 2018
This paper presents a power allocation game that sheds light on international conflict.
Recommended citation: Li, Y., Yue, J., Liu, F., & Morse, A. S. (2018). The power allocation game on a network: computation issue. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51(23), 271-276.
Published in World Development, 2019
This paper studies democracy’s comparative advantage in international trade.
Recommended citation: Yue, J., & Zhou, S. (2018). Democracy's comparative advantage: Evidence from aggregated trade data, 1962–2010. World Development, 111, 27-40.
Published in British Journal of Political Science, 2021
This paper studies the role of political parties in international conflict, epitomized by Sino-Japan dyad.
Recommended citation: Incerti, T., Mattingly, D., Rosenbluth, F., Tanaka, S., & Yue, J. (2021). "Hawkish partisans: How political parties shape nationalist conflicts in China and Japan." British Journal of Political Science, 51(4), 1494-1515.
Published in Journal of Peace Research (Forthcoming), 2023
This paper studies public support for Chinese government in the early days of trade war with the US.
Recommended citation: Jiahua, Yue. (2023). "External Coercion and Public Support: The Case of the US--China Trade War." Journal of Peace Research, Forthcoming.