Posts by Collection




The 2016 US Presidential Election and Its Chinese Audience

Published in SMP 2017, Honorable Mention for the Best Paper, 2017

This paper analyzes public opinion toward 2016 US presidential election in Chinese social media.

Recommended citation: Yue, J., Li, Y., & Sundquist, J. (2017). The 2016 US Presidential Election and Its Chinese Audience. In Social Media Processing: 6th National Conference, SMP 2017 Proceedings (pp. 319-330).

Hawkish Partisans: How Political Parties Shape Nationalist Conflicts in China and Japan

Published in British Journal of Political Science, 2021

This paper studies the role of political parties in international conflict, epitomized by Sino-Japan dyad.

Recommended citation: Incerti, T., Mattingly, D., Rosenbluth, F., Tanaka, S., & Yue, J. (2021). "Hawkish partisans: How political parties shape nationalist conflicts in China and Japan." British Journal of Political Science, 51(4), 1494-1515.

External Coercion and Public Support: The Case of the US–China Trade War

Published in Journal of Peace Research (Forthcoming), 2023

This paper studies public support for Chinese government in the early days of trade war with the US.

Recommended citation: Jiahua, Yue. (2023). "External Coercion and Public Support: The Case of the US--China Trade War." Journal of Peace Research, Forthcoming.


